- "bathroom bill"An inaccurate phrase created and used by far-right extremists to oppose nondiscrimination laws that protect transgender people. The term is meant to incite fear and panic at the thought of encountering transgender people in public restrooms. Simply refer to the nondiscrimination law/ordinance instead. For more information about covering nondiscrimination and anti-LGBT bills see Debunking the "Bathroom Bill" Myth -- Accurate Reporting on Nondiscrimination: A Guide for Journalists, a publication by GLAAD.
- "Don’t ask, don’t tell"horthand for “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Pursue, Don’t Harass,” the military’s former policy on gay men, lesbians and bisexuals. Under the policy, instituted in 1993 and lifted in 2011, the military was not to ask service members about their sexual orientation, service members were not to tell others about their orientation, and the military was not to pursue rumors about members’ sexual orientation.
- "ex-gay"Describes the movement, mostly rooted in conservative religions, that aims to change lesbian or gay individuals’ sexual orientation. Widely discredited in scientific circles. [For more information, see GLAAD Media Reference Guide - In Focus:"Ex-Gays" & "Conversion Therapy."]
- acting, appearing (gay, straight)Judgment that assumes a subject’s sexual orientation or gender identity is deceptive or not genuine. Example: He was straight-acting. In general, avoid.
- agenderA person who identifies as neither male nor female. It is best to ask people who identify as agender which pronouns they prefer. See androgyne, genderqueer, non-binary.
- allyA person who makes the commitment and effort to recognize their privilege (based on gender, class, race, sexual identity, etc.) and work in solidarity with oppressed groups in the struggle for justice. Allies understand that it is in their own interest to end all forms of oppression, even those from which they may benefit in concrete ways. Allies commit to reducing their own complicity or collusion in oppression of those groups and invest in strengthening their own knowledge and awareness of oppression.
- androgyneA person whose biological sex is not readily apparent or who is between two genders. It is best to ask people who identify as androgyne which pronouns they prefer. See agender, genderqueer, non-binary gender.
- androphilic, gynephilicAn attraction to males or masculinity (andro) or females or femininity (gyne). Alternative terms used in place of homosexual or heterosexual so as to avoid gendering the person while expressing their attraction to a particular gender.
- belongingA sense of fitting in or feeling you are accepted by a group; feeling valued and respected by others in a workplace, group, society, etc. This term is frequently used with diversity, equity and inclusion for initiatives, committees, etc. Together, they are sometimes abbreviated DEIB. Added April 2023
- biological gender/biological sexAvoid the terms “biological gender,” “biological sex,” “biological woman,” “biological female,” “biological man,” or “biological male.” These terms are inaccurate and often offensive. When necessary, you can refer to someone’s assigned sex at birth using terms like “assigned male at birth” or “assigned female at birth.” Think seriously about whether a story requires this information. Instead use: assigned male/female at birth, assigned sex at birth or raised as a boy/girl. Updated March 2021
- biphobiaFear of bisexuals, often based on stereotypes, including inaccurate associations with infidelity, promiscuity, and transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. Intolerance or prejudice is usually a more accurate description of antipathy toward bisexual people. See bisexual.
- bisexual, biA person who has the capacity to form enduring physical, romantic and/or emotional attractions to those of the same gender or to those of another gender. People may experience this attraction in differing ways and degrees over their lifetime. Bisexual people need not have had specific sexual experiences to be bisexual; in fact, they need not have had any sexual experience at all to identify as bisexual.
- cisgender, cisA term used by some to describe people who are not transgender. "Cis-" is a Latin prefix meaning "on the same side as," and is therefore an antonym of "trans-." A more widely understood way to describe people who are not transgender is simply to say non-transgender people. [According to the NLGJA Stylebook Supplement on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Terminology, cisgender "may be shortened to cis or combined as ciswoman or cisman. The word cisgender distinguishes without assuming that cisgender is the neutral or normal state."]
- civil unionLegal status that provides same-sex couples some rights available to married couples in areas such as state taxes, medical decisions and estate planning. Civil unions have been recognized by some states but not the U.S. government. [On June 26, 2015 the U.S. Supreme Court determined that the Constitution guarantees every American the right to marry the person they love, making marriage equality the law of the land.] See commitment ceremony, domestic partner.
- closeted, in the closetDescribes a person who is not open about his or her sexual orientation or gender identity. Better to simply refer to someone as not out about being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. Some individuals may be out to some people in their life, but not out to others due to fear of rejection, harassment, violence, loss of job or other concerns. Some individuals may be out to some people in their life, but not out to others due to fear of rejection, harassment, violence, loss of job or other concerns. See coming out, outing.
- codeswitchingShifting between two or more different languages, dialects, accents or modes of speaking or modifying one’s behavior or appearance to adapt to different situations or be accepted by different groups.
- coming outShort for “coming out of the closet.” Accepting and letting others know of one’s previously hidden sexual orientation or gender identity. See closeted/in the closet, outing.
- commitment ceremonyA formal, marriage-like ceremony in which two people declare their commitment to each other; individuals can be of the same or different sexes. Ceremonies may be religiously recognized but are not legally binding. See civil union, domestic partner.
- coveringA strategy people use to downplay a stigmatized part of their identity in order to feel included by a group or in a sphere of their life, such a work. To avoid potential stigma, people may hide certain parts of their identity. For example, an older person may dye their hair to appear younger, an Asian person who uses chopsticks at home may use a fork and knife when eating in a workplace lunchroom or a gay person may avoid bringing their spouse to work events. Added April 2023
- cross-dresserWhile anyone may wear clothes associated with a different sex, the term cross-dresser is typically used to refer to heterosexual men who occasionally wear clothes, makeup and accessories culturally associated with women. This activity is a form of gender expression, and not done for entertainment purposes. Cross-dressers do not wish to permanently change their sex or live full-time as women. Replaces the term transvestite.
- cruisingVisiting places where opportunities exist to meet potential sex partners. Not exclusively a gay phenomenon.
- dead name, deadnamen. The birth name of somebody who has changed their name. It is most commonly used by trans people. Can be written as deadname or dead name. v. To call somebody by their deadname.
- different sexAn alternative to "opposite sex" that recognizes gender as a continuum, rather than a binary construct. A person who is non-binary, for example, and identifies as neither male nor female, can have a relationship with a person of a different sex, but might not relate to the term opposite sex.
- domestic partnerUnmarried partners who live together. Domestic partners may be of different sexes or the same sex. They may register in some jurisdictions and receive some of the benefits accorded to married couples. Domestic partner and domestic partnership are terms typically used in connection with legal and insurance matters. See civil union.
- dominant cultureThe cultural beliefs, values and traditions that are dominant, or centered, in a society. Dominant cultural practices are thought of as "normal" while other practices are undervalued or marginalized. Conversely, in a multicultural society, various cultures are celebrated and reflected equally.
- down lowMen who secretly have sex with men. Men “on the down low” may be in relationships with women and not identify as gay or bisexual. The term originated among Black men but has attained wider use. Use only in quotations or broad references because individuals generally do not identify themselves with this term. See MSM.
- dragDressing or acting in a style typically associated with another gender, typically through costume and/or performance. Not synonymous with transgender or cross-dressing.
- drag performerEntertainers who dress and act in styles typically associated with another gender (drag queen for those portraying women, drag king for those portraying men). Drag is more strongly determined by the nature of the costume and performance than the performer’s gender identity or assigned sex at birth. Some drag performers are transgender. Not synonymous with transgender or cross-dresser.
- drag queenSee drag performer.
- dressed asAvoid using as a judgment that assumes a subject’s gender identity. Avoid using to sensationalize. See transgender, drag, cross-dresser.
- dykeOriginally a pejorative term for a lesbian, it is now being reclaimed by some lesbians. Offensive when used as an epithet. Use only if there is a compelling reason. See lesbian.
- fag, faggotA pejorative term for a gay male. Extremely offensive when used as an epithet. Use only in a quotation if there is a compelling reason.
- familyProper term for identifying a family led by LGBT parents. Identify parents’ sexual orientation only when germane. Do not use gay families. Mention genetic relationships or conception techniques only when germane. See parent.
- female/feminine pronouns, male/masculine pronounsNot all people who use she/her are women, and not all people who use he/him are men. Instead use: pronouns, she/her pronouns, he/him pronouns
- FTM / MTF / FTN / MTN / FT* / MT*Acronyms to describe a transgender or transsexual individual. The first letter is the assigned birth sex; the second letter T is for “to,” signifying transition; and the third letter is the destination gender, the person’s affirmed gender. The * indicates inclusivity of all variations of transpeople, as not all identify with a particular gender.
- gayRefers to men who are attracted to other men; preferred over homosexual, which connotes clinical context or references to sexual activity. Avoid using as a singular noun. For women, lesbian is generally used, but when possible ask the subject which term she prefers. To include both, use gays and lesbians. In headlines where space is limited, gay is acceptable to describe both. See homosexual, lesbian.
- gender assigned at birth (GAAB), MAAB, FAABThe gender a person is born as. This is referred to as gender assigned at birth because it is not and/or never was the person’s true gender – they were born as Z, but were assigned X/Y, due to bio-typical or closely matching genitalia of one of the pre-existing binary genders: male (MAAB) or female (FAAB). See transgender.
- gender binaryThe assumption that gender is binary – that is, that there are two and only two genders – male and female – which are distinct and disconnected. Many have come to see this as a false dichotomy, given the existence of intersex, transgender people and agender people. See agender, intersex, transgender.
- gender dysphoriaIn 2013, the American Psychiatric Association released the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V), which replaced the outdated entry Gender Identity Disorder with Gender Dysphoria, and changed the criteria for diagnosis. The necessity of a psychiatric diagnosis remains controversial, as both psychiatric and medical authorities recommend individualized medical treatment through hormones and/or surgeries to treat gender dysphoria. Some transgender advocates believe the inclusion of Gender Dysphoria in the DSM is necessary in order to advocate for health insurance that covers the medically necessary treatment recommended for transgender people. It is best to ask people who have gender dysphoria which pronouns they prefer.
- gender expansiveThe term gender expansive is increasingly being used for people who challenge cultural expectations regarding gender roles, identities, expressions or norms. Some gender-expansive individuals identify as a man or a woman, some identify as neither, and others identify as a mix of both or on a spectrum between male and female. Some express their gender in ways that differ from stereotypical presentations. Sometimes gender-expansive people use gender-neutral pronouns. Gender-expansive individuals may further describe themselves as nonbinary, gender fluid, or genderqueer. See agender, genderqueer, transgender. Updated February 2021
- gender expressionExternal manifestations of gender, expressed through one's name, pronouns, clothing, haircut, behavior, voice, or body characteristics. Society identifies these cues as masculine and feminine, although what is considered masculine and feminine changes over time and varies by culture. Typically, transgender people seek to make their gender expression align with their gender identity, rather than the sex they were assigned at birth. See gender-expansive, transgender.
- gender fluidityGender fluidity conveys a wider, more flexible range of gender expression, with interests and behaviors that may even change from day to day. Gender fluid children do not feel confined by restrictive boundaries of stereotypical expectations of girls or boys. In other words, a child may feel they are a girl some days and a boy on others, or possibly feel that neither term describes them accurately. It is best to ask people who are gender fluid which pronouns they prefer. See gender-expansive.
- gender identityOne's internal, deeply held sense of one's gender. For transgender people, their own internal gender identity does not match the sex they were assigned at birth. Most people have a gender identity of man or woman (or boy or girl). For some people, their gender identity does not fit neatly into one of those two choices. Unlike gender expression, gender identity is not visible to others. See gender expression.
- Gender Identity DisorderOutdated, avoid. See gender dysphoria.
- gender nonconformingA term used to describe some people whose gender expression is different from conventional expectations of masculinity and femininity. Please note that not all gender non-conforming people identify as transgender; nor are all transgender people gender non-conforming. Many people have gender expressions that are not entirely conventional – that fact alone does not make them transgender. Many transgender men and women have gender expressions that are conventionally masculine or feminine. Simply being transgender does not make someone gender non-conforming. The term is not a synonym for transgender or transsexual and should only be used if someone self-identifies as gender non-conforming. It is best to ask gender non-conforming people which pronouns they prefer.
- gender normativeRefers to people whose sex assignment at birth corresponds to their gender identity and expression. See cisgender, cis.
- gender roleThis is the set of roles, activities, expectations and behaviors assigned to females and males by society. Our culture recognizes two basic gender roles: Masculine (having the qualities attributed to males) and feminine (having the qualities attributed to females). People who step out of their socially assigned gender roles are sometimes referred to as transgender. Other cultures have three or more gender roles.
- gender spectrumA model of gender that breaks the gender binary and takes into account the infinite variations of gender.
- gender transitionThe process by which transgender people change their physical, sexual characteristics from those associated with their sex at birth. This process occurs over time and may include adopting the aesthetic markers of the new gender; telling one’s family, friends and/or co-workers; changing one’s name and/or sex on legal documents; hormone therapy; and sometimes, but not always, surgery or other body modification procedures. Not synonymous with sexual reassignment. Avoid the outdated term sex change.
- gender variantAvoid unless used in academic writing.
- gender-affirming care/transition-related medical care A broad term for health care transgender people may pursue, including counseling, hormone replacement therapy, and surgical treatments. Not all transgender people pursue every form of medical treatment available. Many never receive medical care of any kind due to cost, access, or personal choice. When writing about medical care is appropriate and not objectifying, terms like gender-affirming medical care or transition-related medical care will usually suffice. General language is usually better than more specific terms that draw unnecessary attention to trans bodies and medical procedures. Occasionally, stories will require more specific language to describe a procedure. When appropriate and necessary, journalists should generally use the official name of a surgery or treatment. One major exception: avoid the term mastectomy when describing surgical changes to a transmasculine person’s chest. Instead, use the terms chest reconstruction surgery or chest masculinization surgery. For more about writing about gender-affirming health care, see the Trans Journalists Association Style Guide's Section 1.3 Guidance on avoiding harmful cliches and stereotypes. Updated March 2021
- gender-bender, gender-bendingAn individual who intentionally does not conform to predominant binary gender roles or expression. Use only if self-referential or in a quotation where there is a compelling reason. As an adjective, gender-bending.
- gender-neutral pronounsSome people don’t feel that traditional gender pronouns, such as she/her and he/him, reflect their gender identities. Transgender, genderqueer and other people who step outside the male-female gender paradigm often adopt new pronouns for themselves. If a person doesn't identify as male or female, it's best to ask which pronouns they use. Here are some alternatives to traditional pronouns: Updated 3/1/2021
- genderqueerA term used by some people who experience their gender identity and/or gender expression as falling outside the categories of man and woman. They may define their gender as falling somewhere in between man and woman, or they may define it as wholly different from these terms. The term is not a synonym for transgender or transsexual and should only be used if someone self-identifies as genderqueer. [People who identify as genderqueer sometimes don't feel comfortable being referred to by standard pronouns like he and she; when possible, ask which pronouns they use. See gender-neutral pronouns for alternatives to standard gendered pronouns.] See agender, transgender, gender non-conforming.
- hate crimeAccording to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a hate crime is "a traditional offense like murder, arson, or vandalism with an added element of bias. For the purposes of collecting statistics, Congress has defined a hate crime as a 'criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.' Hate itself is not a crime—and the FBI is mindful of protecting freedom of speech and other civil liberties."
- hermaphroditeAvoid. Derogatory term for intersex individuals. See intersex.
- heteronormative, heternormativityThese terms refer to the assumption that heterosexuality is the norm, which plays out in interpersonal interactions and society and furthers the marginalization of queer people.
- heterosexismThe attitude that heterosexuality is the only valid sexual orientation. Often takes the form of ignoring lesbians, gay men and bisexuals. For example: a feature on numerous Valentine’s Day couples that omit same-sex couples.
- heterosexualAn adjective used to describe people whose enduring physical, romantic and/or emotional attraction is to people of the opposite sex. See straight.
- homoPejorative term for homosexual. Use only if there is a compelling reason.
- homophobiaFear, hatred or dislike of homosexuality, gay men and lesbians. Restrict to germane usage, such as in quotations or opinions. Use LGBT right opponents or a similar phrase instead of homophobes when describing people who disagree with LGBT rights activism. See biphobia
- homosexualAs a noun, a person who is attracted to members of the same sex. As an adjective, of or relating to sexual and affectional attraction to a member of the same sex. Use only in medical contexts or in reference to sexual activity. For other usages, see gay, lesbian.
- husbandAcceptable term for a male, legally married partner of a man. Ask which term the subject prefers, if possible. See lover, partner, husband.
- identify as/identifies aAvoid the phrase “identifies as” to write about a trans person’s gender when replacing it with “is” doesn’t change the meaning of the sentence. This language questions a trans person’s gender by calling it an “identity” instead of just stating someone is non-binary or a man/woman. Journalists never write about cis people’s genders this way. Extend the same respect to the trans people. It is only acceptable to use this language when quoting a trans source. Instead use: is Updated February 2021
- intersectionalityA lens that recognizes identities such as gender, race, class, sexual orientation and others cannot be examined in isolation from one another; they interact and intersect in individuals’ lives, in society and in social systems. This lens also can help clarify the ways an individual, such as a White gay man, can simultaneously experience privilege and oppression.
- intersex (adj.)An umbrella term describing people born with reproductive or sexual anatomy and/or a chromosome pattern that can't be classified as typically male or female. Those variations are also sometimes referred to as Differences of Sex Development (DSD.) Avoid the outdated and derogatory term "hermaphrodite." While some people can have an intersex condition and also identify as transgender, the two are separate and should not be conflated.
- LatineLatine is a gender-neutral or non-binary alternative to Latino and Latina. This term originated from LGBTQIA+, gender non-binary and feminist communities in Spanish-speaking countries. Latine replaces the “a” and “o” with the gender-neutral Spanish letter “e”. The letter “e” can be found in non-gendered Spanish nouns like “estudiante” (student). Latine is pronounced la-TEEN-eh; it's similar to Latino, but replace the “o” with the Spanish “e” sound. Latine is increasingly used among Spanish speakers as it's more easily pronounced than Latinx and can be used in plural forms. Updated March 2024
- lesbianPreferred term, both as a noun and adjective, for women who are attracted to other women. Some women prefer to be called gay rather than lesbian; when possible, ask the subject which term she prefers.
- LGBT/GLBT/LGBTQ/LGBTQ+/LGBTQQIA*LGBT is an abbreviation for “lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.” The Q in LGBTQ can stand for either questioning (still exploring one’s sexuality) or queer, or sometimes both and it is sometimes written LGBTQQ. LGBTQ+ represents additional identities including intersex, asexual, pansexual and polyamorous. Other terms, including LGBTQIA and LGBTQQIA, sometimes with a * at the end, are sometimes used to represent this collections of diverse communities. LGBTQ and LGBTQ+ are both acceptable in all references for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and/or questioning and other sexual and gender minorities. In its most recent style guide, updated in March 2023, NLGJA: The Association of LGBTQ+ Journalists recommends using LGBTQ+ as the umbrella term for these groups, and in 2023, the Associated Press Stylebook revised its style to add the plus sign to LGBTQ. In its Media Reference Guide, 11th edition, GLAAD recommends LGBTQ as the umbrella term. The NLGJA Stylebook notes: "It may be tempting for journalists to refer to the LGBTQ+ community. In reality, it is a broad and sometimes loosely bound group of communities comprising people from all races, religions, cultures and walks of life. Referring to LGBTQ+ people is usually more accurate than defining it as one community." The Diversity Style Guide recommends the more inclusive term LGBTQ+. Do not refer to an individual as LGBTQ or LGBTQ+. Updated March 2023
- lifestyleAn inaccurate term sometimes used to describe the lives of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. Sexual orientation may be part of a broader lifestyle but is not one in itself, just as there is no “straight” lifestyle. Avoid. See sexual orientation, sexual preference.
- loverTerm preferred by some individuals for a gay, lesbian, bisexual or heterosexual person’s sexual partner. Girlfriend, boyfriend and partner are alternatives.
- male-to-female (MtF), female-to-male (FtM)These terms used to be a common way to describe a trans person. In recent years, they’ve come to be considered outdated and sometimes offensive descriptors. Journalists should avoid this language unless quoting a trans source. Instead use: trans woman, trans man. Updated February 2021
- marriageIn June 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that every American has the constitutional right to marry the person they love. When reporting on marriage for same-sex couples, preferred terminology includes marriage equality and marriage for same-sex couples. Note, the terms gay marriage and same-sex marriage should be avoided, as they can suggest marriage for same-sex couples is somehow different than other marriages.
- misgenderThe act of referring to someone by the wrong gender. This may involve using incorrect pronouns or using gender-specific words that don't conform to the person's gender identity or gender expression. Some media organizations have adopted the practice of avoiding pronouns and gender-specific words in breaking news coverage such as crime stories when the person's gender can't be confirmed.
- mixed-status couple, mixed-status familyUsually refers to couples or families with members who have different immigration status. A mixed-status family, for example, might have a father who is an undocumented immigrant, a mother who is a legal resident and a child who was born in the United States and is a citizen. Mixed-status relationship and mixed-status couple are also sometimes used by health workers to describe a sexual relationship in which one partner is HIV-positive and the other is HIV-negative, according to AIDS.gov, a website managed by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
- MSMAbbreviation for “men who have sex with men.” It is a behavioral and public health category, used in a medical or scientific context. Does not reference sexual identity and is not synonymous with gay and bisexual men. See down low.
- Mx.Pronounced “mix,” Mx. is a gender-neutral courtesy title preferred by some transgender or nonbinary people who do not identify as either male or female and so do not want to use “Mr.” or “Ms.” It is also sometimes used by people who don't want to reveal their gender. The New York Times, one of the few newspapers that still uses courtesy titles, first used Mx. in an article in 2015. Shortly after, Philip B. Corbett, the associate masthead editor for standards and overseer of The Times’ newsroom style manual, wrote a Times Insider column about it.
- non-binary genderGender identities that don't fit within the accepted binary of male and female. People can feel they are both, neither, or some mixture of the two.
- non-binary pronounsAvoid the term “non-binary pronouns.” This is inaccurate because not all non-binary people use the same pronouns, and people of other genders use they/them pronouns. While many non-binary people use they/them pronouns, other non-binary people also use he/him, she/her, ze/hir, and other pronouns. Instead use: gender-neutral pronouns, they/them pronouns, or pronouns. See gender-neutral pronouns. Updated March 2021
- nonbinary, non-binaryAn umbrella term for people who experience their gender identity and/or gender expression as falling outside the binary of man and woman. While nonbinary (sometimes written with a hyphen, non-binary,) is considered a trans identity, some people who identify as nonbinary do not consider themselves transgender. When possible, consult your source. Some people define their gender as falling somewhere on a spectrum between man and woman, some may see their gender as fluid and others may define gender in different terms altogether. Some Indigenous communities and other cultures have other words to describe gender variance, including Two-Spirit (sometimes written two spirit) and Third Gender. People who identify as nonbinary often don't feel comfortable being referred to by conventional pronouns like he and she; when possible, ask which pronouns they use. See gender-neutral pronouns for alternatives to standard gendered pronouns.
- obituaries (LGBT)When reporting survivors, list partners of gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender deceased in an order equivalent to spouses of heterosexual deceased.
- openly gay/openly lesbianAs a modifier, openly is often relevant only when referencing historical figures and to allow for the possibility of previous closeted figures: Harvey Milk was the first openly gay San Francisco supervisor. Tammy Baldwin was the first openly lesbian member of the U.S. House of Representatives. Mention a subject’s sexual orientation only when relevant. Avoid words like acknowledged, avowed, admitted, confessed or practicing because of their inaccuracy or negative connotations. Updated February 2021
- opposite sexCan be seen as offensive or inaccurate for people who don't identify as male or female or who see gender as a continuum rather than a binary construct. Consider using the phrase different sex instead, as in "The study compared children of same-sex couples with those of different-sex parents."
- outA person who self-identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender in their personal, public, and/or professional lives. For example: Ricky Martin is an out pop star from Puerto Rico. Preferred to openly gay.
- outing (from “out of the closet”)The act of publicly declaring (sometimes based on rumor and/or speculation) or revealing another person's sexual orientation or gender identity without that person's consent. Considered inappropriate by a large portion of the LGBT community. Publicly revealing the sexual orientation or gender identity of an individual who has chosen to keep that information private. Also a verb: The magazine outed the senator in a front-page story. See coming out, closeted.
- pangenderHaving a fluid identity. Might be expressed as both male and female, or shift from one gender to the other. Falls under the umbrella term genderqueer.
- pansexual, omnisexualOne whose primary attraction is to a person, regardless of their gender. Because the labels heterosexual and homosexual imply the gender of both the person and the object of their attraction, it is often difficult or irrelevant to identify with these labels when a person’s gender is non-binary. For this reason many people opt for the label pansexual or omnisexual.
- parentIn general, along with mother and father, the proper term for a gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender person, whether single or in a relationship, raising a child or children. Because of the blended nature of many families led by LGBT parents, ask the subject which term he or she prefers, when possible. Mention a parent’s sexual orientation, genetic relationship to the child or conception technique only when germane. See families.
- partnerA commonly accepted term for a people in a committed relationship. It is frequently used in gay or lesbian relationships but also for heterosexuals who are not legally married and relationships where one or both partners are gender nonconforming. See husband, lover, relationships.
- PFLAGFormerly Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, this organization in 2014 changed its name to simply PFLAG to be more inclusive. "Founded in 1972 with the simple act of a mother publicly supporting her gay son, PFLAG is the nation's largest family and ally organization," according to the organization's website. "Uniting people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer with families, friends, and allies, PFLAG is committed to advancing equality and full societal affirmation of LGBTQ people through its threefold mission of support, education, and advocacy." PFLAG has over 400 chapters and 200,000 members and supporters crossing multiple generations of American families in major urban centers, small cities, and rural areas in all 50 states.
- pink triangleNow a gay pride symbol, it was the symbol gay men were required to wear in Nazi concentration camps during World War II. Lesbians sometimes also use a black triangle.
- practicing (LGBTQ+)Avoid this term to describe someone’s sexual orientation or gender identity. Use “sexually active” as a modifier in circumstances when public awareness of an individual’s behavior is germane.
- preferred pronounsAvoid using the term “preferred pronouns.” Someone’s pronouns are not a preference, but rather the only appropriate way to refer to that person. The term “preferred pronouns” is only appropriate when someone uses more than one set of pronouns and has a preference for one over the other. Instead use: pronouns. Updated March 2021
- Pride DayShort for gay/lesbian pride, this term is commonly used to indicate the celebrations commemorating the Stonewall Inn riots of June 28, 1969. Pride events typically take place in June. See Stonewall.
- pronounsIf sources share a transgender or gender-nonconforming identity on the record, ask which pronouns they use and incorporate them into your report as needed. They/them/their are acceptable as nonbinary, singular pronouns if the subject uses them. Alternative nonbinary pronouns, such as zie/zim/zis, are acceptable if requested but may require extra explanation in a story or broadcast. Clarity for the audience is paramount. If a subject’s gender identity is not relevant to a story but the person uses a nonbinary pronoun, confusion may result if it is used without explanation. Therefore, it may sometimes be helpful to explain that a subject uses a nonbinary pronoun. Journalists should use their judgment on whether a passage can be recast for clarity, whether use of the pronoun creates more confusion than it solves, and whether it makes sense to explain the pronoun in the story. For example, the meaning of the sentence Robert Sanchez, a member of the group of environmentalists, said they disagree with points of the organization’s mission hinges on whether they refers to Sanchez or environmentalists. The options for recasting would depend on the context available to the journalist and on the story’s audience. Avoid references to preferred pronouns because doing so implies that calling people other than what they want to be called is a viable alternative. Avoid references to chosen pronouns because they are not always chosen. Instead, when relevant: Sanchez, who uses the pronoun they or Sanchez, whose pronouns are they/them/their. Be aware that some people use “rolling pronouns” – such as he/they or she/they. Nonbinary and genderfluid people may use different types of pronouns to signify the importance of their nonbinary identity or to honor different sides of their personality. Some people prefer to have their pronouns used alternately throughout a conversation or a text; others, particularly genderfluid people who fluctuate from one gender identity to another, may prefer one pronoun set over another on different days. If you’re confused, ask. Updated March 2023
- queerTraditionally a pejorative term, queer has been appropriated by some LGBT people as a self-affirming umbrella term. However, it is not universally accepted even within the LGBT community and should be avoided unless describing someone who self-identifies that way or in a direct quote. When Q is seen at the end of "LGBT," it typically means queer and/or questioning.
- rainbow flagA flag of six equal horizontal stripes (red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet) symbolizing the diversity of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities.
- relationships (LGBTQ+)Lesbian, gay and bisexual people use various terms to describe their commitments. Ask individuals which term they prefer, if possible. If not, “partner” is generally acceptable. See husband, wife, lover, partner.
- safe sex, safer sexSexual practices that minimize the possible transmission of HIV and other infectious agents. Some publications prefer “safer sex” to denote that no sexual contact is completely safe.
- seroconversionScientifically observable alteration of blood or other bodily fluids from HIV-negative to HIV-positive. The verb is “seroconvert.” See HIV.
- seronegativeSynonymous with HIV-negative. See HIV.
- seropositiveSynonymous with HIV-positive. See HIV.
- sex changeAvoid this antiquated term. See gender transition, sex reassignment.
- sexual orientationDescribes an individual's enduring physical, romantic and/or emotional attraction to another person. Gender identity and sexual orientation are not the same. Transgender people may be straight, lesbian, gay, or bisexual. For example, a person who transitions from male to female and is attracted solely to men would identify as a straight woman.
- sexual preferenceAvoid. Politically charged term implying that sexuality is the result of a conscious choice. Instead use sexual orientation.
- sexual reassignmentThe medical and surgical process by which transgender people change their physical, sexual characteristics to reflect their gender identity. May include surgery and/or hormone therapy. Sexual reassignment surgery can be a part of gender transition but is not necessary. Not all transgender people choose to or can afford to have such surgery. Avoid overemphasizing the role of surgery in the transition process. Avoid the outdated term sex change.
- sodomy lawsHistorically used to selectively persecute gay people, the state laws often referred to as "sodomy laws" were ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in Lawrence v. Texas (2003). "Sodomy" should never be used to describe gay, lesbian or bisexual relationships or sexuality. See sodomy.
- stereotypesThe word comes from the ancient Greek for “fixed impression.” Walter Lippmann (1889-1974), an American journalist, popularized the word, a printing-press term, as a metaphor for “a picture in our heads” that could be true or, more often, false. Examples of stereotypes include geisha, delivery boy, manicurist and Samurai (all used metaphorically).
- StonewallThe Stonewall Inn tavern in New York City’s Greenwich Village was the site of several nights of raucous protests after a police raid on June 28, 1969. Although not the nation’s first gay civil rights demonstration, Stonewall is now regarded as the birth of the modern gay civil rights movement.
- straightHeterosexual; describes a person whose sexual and affectional attraction is to someone of the opposite sex. As a noun, use “heterosexual” or “straight person.”
- third genderTerm often used in anthropological studies to set apart identities other than man or woman that appear across different cultures. See androgyne, agender, genderqueer, non-binary gender.
- trannyOften a pejorative term for a transgender person, it is now being reclaimed by some transgender people. Offensive when used as an epithet and should be avoided except in quotes or as someone’s self-identified term.
- transfeminineA term used to describe people who were assigned male at birth but identify with a feminine gender identity more than a masculine gender identity. This term is not interchangeable with trans woman, although trans women may identify as transfeminine. Transfeminine can be used to describe gender expression or as a gender identity in its own right. The masculine equivalent of transfeminine is transmasculine.
- transgenderRefers to individuals whose gender identity and/or expression may not match their physical, sexual characteristics or sex assigned at birth. Some female and male cross-dressers, drag queens or kings, female or male impersonators and intersex individuals may also identify as transgender. Use the name and personal pronouns that are consistent with how the individual lives publicly. When possible, ask which term the source prefers. Do not use transgendered. Offensive when used as a noun; use transgender people, transgender man or transgender woman. In cases where space is an issue, such as headlines, using trans as a shorthand adjectival form is acceptable. See gender transition, intersex, sexual reassignment. Transgender people may use a number of terms to describe themselves. For more guidance on transgender terminology and coverage, visit the NLGJA Journalists Toolbox article at www.nlgja.org/toolbox/transgender and the GLAAD Media Reference Guide on Transgender Issues.
- transmasculineA term used to describe people who were assigned female at birth but identify with a masculine gender identity more than a feminine gender identity. This term is not interchangeable with trans man, although trans men may identify as transmasculine. Transmasculine can also be used to describe gender expression or as a gender identity in its own right. “This term includes non-binary people, gender fluid people, genderqueer people—anyone assigned female at birth whose gender falls in the more masculine range,” Jo Eckler, PsyD, a licensed clinical psychologist based in Texas and author of I Can't Fix You—Because You're Not Broken, said in a 2020 interview with Health. “The term transgender is often used as an umbrella term that encompasses anyone who does not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth. So trans men and transmasculine people are both transgender.” The feminine equivalent of transmasculine is transfeminine.
- transsexualAvoid this outdated term in favor of transgender and transgender people unless a person or community prefers the term; it can carry misleading medical connotations.
- transvestiteAvoid this outdated term.