Rachele Kanigel, the editor of The Diversity Style Guide, consults with media organizations about diversity, equity and inclusion policies and inclusive style. She leads workshops and speaks on a number of issues, including diversity/inclusion in the media and inclusive language.
She has consulted with and created or edited tailored style guides for a number of media organizations and communications departments including:

In 2022, the inclusive content guide she created for Freddie Mac won an Innovations in Diversity Award from Profiles in Diversity Journal. The award honors corporations, organizations, and institutions that have developed innovative solutions in the area of workforce diversity, inclusion, and human equity.
Kanigel has given more than 75 presentations at professional meetings of the World Journalism Education Congress, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Journalism & Women Symposium, Associated Collegiate Press, College Media Association, Journalism Association of Community Colleges and other organizations.
To seek more information about how she can work with your organization please fill out the contact form below.